Drop In To Kreate & Stay!
Submit a reservation
*Must be provided before each stay. NO LATER THAN 8PM THE DAY PRIOR.
Ages 1-8YO
Triangle Athletic Complex
3400 Westgate Drive STE 14
Durham, NC 27707
*(in the shopping center of Angel Island Fun Park)
Please note the following before making your reservation:
If a child is sick with vomiting, excessive runny nose, colored runny nose, fever over 100.4 Fahrenheit, pink eye, unexplained itchy scalp or lice, stomachache, diarrhea (2x in less than 30 minutes), sore throat/excessive coughing, or rash, the child will not be allowed to stay, if symptoms occurs during the child’s stay, parents will be called to pick up child, within 30 minutes, and child will not be able to return until symptoms are clear without medication for a total of 24 hours.
+ Circle Time begins at 10AM each day.
+ Lunch is NOT included in your child’s stay and should be provided to be stored until 11:15AM lunch time, at arrival. Please keep in mind of common allergies (peanuts, seafood, etc.) when preparing your child's meal.
+ Quiet Time is from 12:30PM-2:30PM each day (8 hour occasional stays). We recommend a blanket for your child to be comfortable throughout this time. We do not allow arrivals after 10AM daily.
+ Sippy Cup/ Water Bottle is required for children to allow a comfortable stay.
* If you have a camp need (occasional weekly basis, please email us.)